“I want a machine to do everything. I plan to clip my own horse and offer a clipping service but dont want to spend too much and only want to have to buy one clippers. Would the Harmony Plus be the best option?”
Unfortunately we receive this message quite a lot so we want to make a post to answer it. When considering setting up a clipping service it is important to note that to charge for a service you must be able to provide a service of extremely high standard. Grooms and professional clippers spend years mastering their craft and it is not just something you can start without some considerable time spent mastering the skill at home or on friends horses. Be fully insured (British Grooms Association can offer advise and memberships) and have the correct tools to provide the service which requires considerable investment.
If you are starting out we would advise the following kit as a minimum;
- 2x Heavy duty clippers- These will do 95% of your work so it is important to you always have a back up in case of an accident or a drop. Horses can damage your equipment in a split second.
- 1x Light/Medium duty clippers- for legs, faces and the occasional nervous horse
- 1/2x Trimmers- depending on the services you offer you may need multiple trimmers for blade lengths or run time over the course of the day
- 2x circuit breakers – Safety in the stable is key
- 2x extension cables- in case one gets stood on at any of your stops
- 1x A2 blade (or blade of your choice) per horse you expect to clip in a day plus a back up- if you are presented with a dirty horse you need to be prepared and a dirty horse can use a single blade or multiple in extreme cases
- 1x each back up trimming blades
- 1x set of a5 grading combs
- Assortment of blades for you light duty clipper for different requirments, leg blends, thinning feather etc
- Oils, blade wash, barbercide, and a lotion to hot cloth with
And of course your own PPE ie boots with steel toe, helmet, gloves, coveralls